
The Art of Root Canal Therapy: Endodontic Excellence

Tooth decay is a common dental problem that can be easily restored to its normal form and function if detected and treated at an early stage. Persistent infection can, however, spread to the pulp, causing severe inflammation. This paves the way for painful symptoms that can be debilitating and impact your routine life. Root canal therapy is the ultimate solution to pulp infection. 

Root canal therapy performed by our highly skilled dentist in Vista, CA, can significantly eliminate pulp infection and save your natural tooth from unwanted extractions. 

Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure 

A root canal is an enclosed chamber within the tooth root that is either single or multiple, depending on the number of roots present. It consists of the pulp, which is the innermost core consisting of nerves and blood vessels. Any untreated tooth infection can spread to the pulp and the canals, damaging the nerve endings. This can lead to a cascade of painful symptoms, negatively impacting your quality of life. 

Root canal therapy is a common endodontic procedure that can successfully eliminate pulp infection and restore it with a biocompatible material to prevent reinfection. 

Pulp infection will always require root canal therapy

Pulpal involvement always requires root canal therapy since the procedure can address the following symptoms:

  • Excruciating tooth pain that does not subside easily
  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures 
  • Swollen, inflamed, and bleeding gums 
  • Dental abscess (pus-filled pouch) at the root apex
  • Visibly swollen jaw
  • Tooth discoloration (appear bluish in color)
  • Pain when pressure is applied during chewing 
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Mobile or loose tooth 

The procedure involved in root canal therapy 

Pain relief is the prime focus of root canal therapy. This procedure involves the following: 

Initial tooth assessment 

  • Dental X-rays will be taken to evaluate the source of pain and study the root morphology (number and shape).
  • Local anesthesia will be administered to ease pain and discomfort during the procedure. 

Removal of the infected pulp 

  • Your dentist will remove the carious lesion from the tooth surface using ultrasonic instruments.
  • An access opening will be made to expose the coronal pulp. 
  • Once the pulp tissue is removed, your dentist will locate the root canals to open them.
  • Rotary files will be used to remove the remaining radicular pulp and clean the canals.
  • The root canals are shaped, disinfected, and filled with gutta-percha. 
  • Your dentist will finally seal the tooth crown with a temporary filling. 

Once the RC-treated tooth heals, your dentist will permanently restore it with a dental bridge or crown based on your personal preference. This helps to restore the oral form, function, and aesthetics. 

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