Ever heard of an international student transfer? A lot of students are opting to study in other countries. Most of them feel they need more than their country’s education. Others are just curious about a certain country’s education system.
For instance, the US has a lot of international students from all over the world. US colleges and universities’ are full of foreign students. College transfer Kansas City is one of the examples. In the US, there is a process required for an international student transfer.
Admission Requirements
For any international student, there are certain admission requirements that must be adhered to. However, these admission requirements are not the same in various institutions. With that, let’s look at Kansas City Kansas Community College admission requirements as an example.
There is an application fee of $85.00 required although the average application fee is $41.00. This means that for an international student’s transfer to kick off the application fee must be paid. In all the universities, the deadline for application is usually 10 months before the start of the course. This is usually mid-October or sometimes early November.
For most universities, however, the deadlines are 7 months before intending to start university. Often, this is January although the deadline can go as late as March.
Academic achievements are a must. This should be in the form of transcripts. Other requirements that accompany the transcript are an application form, references a personal essay and statements.
There will be another important application requirement for international students before their transfer. A complete application of secondary school will be required. This is to prove that you have completed your native secondary school education. This should be at least 12 years.
English Not Your Instinctive Language?
English language proficiency is required. The US is a native English country and therefore English becomes an essential requirement. A certain score is a requirement to be issued the certificate. The certificate is issued by TOEFL, which gives the English test.
However, the TOEFL requirement is not the same for a four-year institution and a community college. A community college has lower requirements compared to the four-year institution. If an international student scores below TOFL’s requirements, the student is enrolled for a Second Language training. The training will be about English.
Colleges and universities can administer their own English test. Sometimes colleges and universities accept tests from other institutions or examinations. Though most institutions prefer their own scores.
Academic Considerations
An international student may consider choosing between a college and a university. At college, the student can also choose a four-year course or 2-year course. 2-year courses are mainly offered at community colleges. Students are allowed to pursue general courses and later transfer to 4-year universities or colleges.
Bachelor, masters, and Ph.D. are among the academics considerations for an international student. For a bachelor’s degree, the student pursues 4-year courses. These courses are divided into major divisions, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. For a master’s degree, the student will take at least two years to complete while a Ph.D. takes 4 to 7 years to complete.
There are two types of academic funding offered by American universities. One is financial aid, which is done through need testing and scholarships. This sometimes is almost impossible for an international student.
However, an international student can secure university funding after the first year of studying at the college or university. This will seldom cover the student’s full tuition costs. In some universities, there is a full need-based scholarship offer.
An international student transfer is moving a student from one state to another for education purposes. This takes some procedure as mentioned in the article. Nowadays, students are studying in other states especially in the US. College transfer Kansas City is an example of this.